Monday, December 16, 2013

There will be no reading log or humanities homework this week.

Reminders: Wednesday, December 18 is our skating field trip to Cairns Arena.

Friday, December 20 will be a team holiday breakfast.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Field Trip and Breakfast

House D will have a field trip to Cairnes Ice Rink on Wednesday, December 18. The cost is $10 for transportation, admission, and skate rentals. Students will need to bring a lunch/snack. There is also a snack bar available. Please return permission slips no later than Friday, December 13.

We are also planning a winter breakfast on Friday, December 20th. This has become an annual tradition on some of the teams. If you are able, please consider bringing in something. Possibiliites include: juice, fruit, pre-cooked meat (sausage, bacon), eggs, pancake mix/syrup, cereal/milk, muffins, bread, bagels/cream cheese...
There is a sign up here at school indicating what students wish to bring to ensure some variety. We also welcome parent volunteers or visitors during this breakfast. Preparations will begin at 7:30, followed by breakfast at approximately 8:00.

Thank you!


Weekly Independent Reading Log due Monday, December 16.

Science Fair

December 9, 2013

Dear Families and Guardians,

We are excited to be holding a Science Fair at Milton Middle School on the evening of February 12, 2014. This event will be on the same evening as a Milton Community Dinner so you can enjoy a great meal before experiencing the impressive work our students will be showcasing. All students in grades 6-8 will be expected to participate in the science fair. Hands-on scientific investigation and invention are the focus at our particular fair. Over a nine week period, your child will design, test, analyze, and present a project that uses scientific methods to solve a problem. The sky’s the limit!

As you know, science, technology and engineering include basic skills expected by employers. As Twenty First Century citizens, our students will also have to make some of the toughest decisions of any generation, based on their understanding of emerging science and technology. Doing science is key to understanding science. Science fairs involve students in the practices of science and engineering, requiring them to apply those skills to a topic of interest to them.

Time will be given to students during the school day to work on their project. We encourage students to continue this work at home as well. Students will be given project guidelines and time-lines at school, and teachers will check in with them periodically. However, much of the work will be self-directed. Families are encouraged to offer support and reminders, but to allow children to do the projects by themselves.
We are encouraging support from the community in helping to make this experience a beneficial one for our students and for Milton Middle School. Please call or email with any questions or potential resources. More information will follow as the night of the Science Fair approaches. Thank you very much in advance for your support!

Milton Middle School Science Teachers

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Grade 6- Finish page 38.

Grade 7- One group needs to complet problems 5,6,7, and 19 on pages 13-16, and the other group needs to complete a worksheet on similar figures.

Grade 8- Check-Up for Investigation 1

Monday, December 2, 2013


Grade 6- Problems 15, 16, and 28 on pages 30-34

Grade 7- Problems 5, 6, 7, 1nd 19 on pages 13-16

Grade 8- None