Thursday, November 14, 2013


Grade 8- Page 12 #1, Pages 16-18 #7-15

Grade 7- None

Grade 6- Finish A on pages 6 and 7

Friday, November 8, 2013


If students turned in their yellow conference schedule form, then they should have received a confirmation of their date and time on a blue slip of paper.

Students also received updates from Joe Smith on the status of their 8th grade Boston field trip fundraising account.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Humanities 6-8

Students do have an independent reading log to complete this week.

In class, students have been working hard on planning to write a myth. This will be the cumulative writing assessment for this unit.


Grade 6- Pages 55-58
Students have had two classes and two nights to complete this work. One of the classes also needs to complete page 59.
Grade 7- Complete work from the board
Grade 8- Volume: Mixed Practice page 95 and Total Volume page 96

Student-led Portfolio Conferences

Portfolio Conferences for House D will be held beginning next week. Today students received a parent letter and a conference schedule form, which is on yellow paper. Please indicate your availability on the form and return it to your student's advisor as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, the 8th.

Conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 12, from 4-7, Wednesday, November 13, from 4-6, and Wednesday, November 20, from 3-5.