Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Upcoming Events:

Friday, Oct. 31- 
Please remember this is a regular school day.  Leave the costumes and masks at home please!  

Tuesday, Nov. 4-  
Milton Middle School will be hosting Refugee Guest Speakers from Winooski as part of our Humanities unit on immigration.  Two children/teens and one adult will be speaking in each classroom, sharing their experience.  Students will work with Humanities teachers beforehand to develop thoughtful questions to ask.  

Wednesday Nov 5
Thursday, Nov 6
Tuesday, Nov 11
Student-Led Portfolio Conferences!

Thursday, Nov 13-
We will get to see a presentation from Sam Drezdin about our Summer VT Reads book Wonder.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Update for Humanities - Social Studies

Hello Parents,

Sorry for the delay.........I am finally getting around to sending an update on what we are doing in Humanities - Social Studies.  We began the year with a short unit on Geography skills.  These skills will be useful through the year when we are looking at different parts of the world.  We are now in our unit Immigration (From Many, One).  We began with a historical look at immigration focusing the "first immigrants" (Native Americans), early Native American encounters with Europeans, and then living in a multicultural community (contributions of immigrant groups).  Next, we are moving into a look at more modern immigration.  We will be working closely with the information presented in Mr. Badeau's class, especially when we get to a culminating project.

All grades in my class have now been posted in PowerSchool.  There will be a few more miscellaneous assignments that will be added soon.

Homework this week is finishing their "Portfolio Reflections".  These will be used in the upcoming student led conferences.  The final drafts are due on Friday.

Lastly, I invite all of you to join our classroom "Edmodo" group.  All students have an account through  On the student page, on the left hand side of the screen there is a parent code.  You can use this when prompted when signing in as a "parent" on the log in page.  We use Edmodo to communicate with one another, post assignments, and for students to electronically store material.  I send general parent group messages at times with updates.

Please contact me anytime you have any questions or concerns (

Mr. Burton

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How time flies! We are already halfway through the first trimester and it is time for Student-Led Portfolio Conferences! Educational research tells us that children benefit greatly from having meaningful conversations about their learning with important adults in their lives. To that end, we hope that you can attend a Portfolio Conference where your child will present to you artifacts of his or her learning – work from each class that he or she has thoughtfully selected to demonstrate learning and growth.

In addition to presenting artifacts of academic growth, your child will also discuss their progress with the Habits of Mind we have been working on this year:  Citizenship, Persistence, Precision, Preparedness, and Flexible Thinking.

During the conference, House D teachers will be present to meet with you and answer questions.

For your convenience, we are scheduling conferences on the evenings of Wednesday November 5, Thursday November 6, and Tuesday November 11.  Anyone is welcome – parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors. Your child will be bringing home a form for you to fill out to request a time.

We look forward to seeing you!

Interested in why we hold Student-Led Conferences? Read here:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

On Thursday, October 9th we will have our first 
House D Celebration of the year!

We are asking two students from each advisory to volunteer to bring in snacks to share.  We will have shortened classes (40 minutes) to allow for celebration time at the end of the day.  The celebration will include August/September birthday recognition, achievement recognition, announcements, and a whole house game (outside if nice weather).